Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21. This condition occurs in about 1 in 1,263 babies. There are approximately 30,000 people with Down syndrome in Taiwan.
Decades ago, people had insufficient knowledge of Down syndrome. When being informed that they were having a baby with Down syndrome, parents felt panic and depressed. Moreover, most of them felt guilty and started blaming themselves since no one knew that this condition happened just by chance.
Unlike today's advanced internet technology, it took many years for these parents of kids with Down syndrome to unite. Finally, in 1991, the Down Syndrome Association, R.O.C, was founded for them to encourage each other and share information. Later, in 1998, the Down Syndrome Foundation (DSF), R.O.C, was established. DSF provides professional services not only for people with Down syndrome but also for people with disabilities. Simultaneously, DSF endeavors to promote Anti-Discrimination Advocacy.